This briefing note is being provided to you by the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth to ensure you are informed of developments in your area in relation to emergency accommodation for those fleeing the war in Ukraine (Beneficiaries of Temporary Protection, BOTPs).
Update in relation to Newhall Accommodation Centre, Naas, Co. Kildare:
985 beds will be provided for people feeling the war in Ukraine in the Newhall Accommodation Centre.
· All statutory requirements relating to the establishment and management of emergency accommodation are being met by the service provider, including health and safety, fire, building regulations and other requirements. The safety and security of the BOTP residents is of paramount importance.
· The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth will manage the arrival of people into this centre.
· The contract with this centre has been signed for a period of 12 months.
Questions and Responses
1. How many people are intended to be accommodated in the Newhall Accommodation Centre? What will the resident breakdown be at the building?
The maximum capacity in this centre is for 985 people. The residency will be entirely made up of Beneficiaries of Temporary Protection fleeing the war in Ukraine. The profile of arrivals from the war in Ukraine to date is mainly women and children.
2. How long can people expect to stay there? What is the duration of the contract?
The term of the contract for the facility is one year.
It is expected that residents will only stay for a number of weeks as they adjust to living in Ireland and prepare to transition to their own independent accommodation.
3. What are the conditions at the site – what are the sleeping arrangements, toilets, showers, etc.? What are the catering arrangements for the building?
There will be 387 en-suite own door sleeping cabins at the facility, to accommodate families of 2-6 people. The winter-ready sleeping cabins will be connected via covered tracked walkways. There will be a designated heated dining marquee which will operate on a staggered basis, with times allocated to avoid over-crowding.
All meals and tea/coffee making facilities will be provided, and will take account of cultural and religious issues as well as flexibility around lunches for students/workers etc.
There will be separate recreational marquees for adults and children. There will also be tables outside as well, along with play areas for children. The laundry facilities are communal and located within the centre.
4. Who are the owners and who are operating on site? What experience do they have?
The property is leased and operated by Pastures New Ltd. The company will be employing a centre manager directly with experience in facilities management and also contracting additional assistance in this area. Pastures New have previous experience of setting up and operating accommodation centres of this size.
5. How many staff are on site? Is there a presence there 24/7? What are the security arrangements for the building?
The facility will be staffed with a rostered team to include the facility manager, duty managers, night managers, security teams, food service staff and cleaners. Security personnel will be on-site 24/7, 365 days a year and the manager on duty will be contactable at all times.
6. Is the building fire cert in place?
The facility is fully fire safety compliant, including the provision and maintenance of adequate firefighting equipment e.g. sufficient number of fire extinguishers. A fire risk assessment has been conducted for the overall facility, and fire safety certificates have been granted for the communal and dining marquees.
7. Will residents retain a degree of privacy in this accommodation?
As above, residents will be accommodated in own door en-suite sleeping cabins which are private.
8. How will BOTP applicants be provided with PPS numbers? Are some of them eligible to work?
BOTP applicants are provided with full medical checks, medical cards and PPS numbers on arrival into the Citywest before transport to their accommodation. They are then eligible to seek work and many people have done so and are making a positive contribution to the local and national economies particularly in areas where there are skills shortages.
9. What health supports are available to BOTP Applicants?
BOTP applicants are provided with full medical checks and medical cards on arrival into Citywest. A full list of HSE supports is attached to this briefing note at Appendix A.
As part of this communication and engagement process, the national HSE lead has been notified of this centre opening and they have activated local services.
10. What about school places?
Due to the short term nature of this accommodation facility, children will only be in residence for short durations. It is likely that families will await securing their own independent accommodation before settling children in schools. The provider, Pastures New, can provide and facilitate various educational classes and recreational activities, and will liaise with relevant external bodies where appropriate.
11. What integration supports are available to provide day-to-day activities to the BOTP Applicants?
As Beneficiaries of Temporary Protection Ukrainian people receive housing assistance, health, education and other supports.
The local Community Forum has also been informed of this opening and will engage with the new arrivals to involve them in community activity and offer a wide range of supports and activities.
There are administrative facilities on site to facilitate the above.
12. Is any assessment provided to BOTP Applicants to ascertain their needs or vulnerabilities?
All BOTP arrivals are given a full medical and health check on arrival to assess their needs.
13. Is Newhall the only area considered for this type of accommodation, or have other areas in the city/country been examined? How many other centres like this are in operation?
A similar centre is already open in Stradbally, Co. Laois.
There are also many other large-scale accommodation centres already in place across the country.